초크 사고 예방(질식 사고 예방),Choking prevention

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초크 사고 예방(질식 사고 예방), Choking prevention

  • 이물이 기도 내로 들어 가 기도 내관을 일부 또는 전부 막아 환기가 되지 않는 상태를 질식사고 또는 기도 내 이물 사고라고 한다.
  • 영유아들은 기도가 작고 앞 이가 생후 6개월경에 나기 시작하고 대구치들이 생후 18개월경에 나기 때문에 음식물을 앞 이로 벼먹을 수 있지만 잘게 어금니로 씹어 먹을 수 없어서 기도 내 음식물 질식사고가 더 잘 생길 수 있다.
  • 그리고 기도 내 음식물 흡인이 생길 때 할 수 있는 방어기침이 약하다. 기도 내 이물주위에 점액과 기도 내 분비물이 생겨 그로 인해 기도 내 이물폐쇄가 더 쉽게 생길 수 있다.
기도 내  이물로 초크가  잘 생길 수 있는 나이

Age at which choke can easily occur as a foreign object in prayer

The reason why choke accidents are common among infants and toddlers Food-related airways Foreign body Non-food-related airwys Foreign body Breathing difficulties occur due to foreign objects in the airways Died from the foreign body in the airways  기도 내 이물 초크 예방Prevention of foreign body choke in the airways
비 음식물 관련 초크는 영아들에게 가장 많이 생기고 음식물 관련 초크는 2세에 가장 많이 생긴다. 영유아들의 기도는 작고 앞 이가 생후 6개월경에 나기 시작하고  대구치들이 생후 18개월경에 나기 때문에 음식물을 앞 이로 벼먹을 수 있지만 잘게 어금니로 씹어 먹을 수 없어서 기도 내 음식물 초크가 더 잘 생길 수 있다.  기도 내 음식물 흡인이 생길 때 하는 방어기침이 약하다.  기도 내 이물주위에 점액과 기도 내 분비물이 생겨 그로 인 해 기도 내  이물폐쇄가 더 쉽게 생길 수 있다. 생후 4~6개월 영아들은 고형 음식물을 먹기 시작하나 음식물을 잘 깨물어 먹을 수 없고 잘 넘길 수 없다.  4세까지 영유아들은 음식물을 잘 챙겨먹지 않고 음식물을 먹으면서 달리고 걷고 말 하다가 쉽게 초크될 수 있다. 둥근 캔디, 통 포도 알, 미트볼, 핫독, 땅콩, 씨앗, 생 당근, 생 채소, 사과, 팝콘, 껌 등 음식물로 더 쉽게 초크 될 수 있다. 레이텍스 풍선,  코인, 작은 장난감, 작은 공, 공기 돌, 둥근 장난감, 장난감 부분, 단추, 밧데리 등으로 더쉽게 초크될 수 있다. 정확한 발생률은 알기 어렵다. 의사의 치료를 받지 않은 초크가 더 많이 발생할  수 있다. 2001년 미 14세 이하 17,532명이 초크 관련으로 응급실에서 치료 받았다.  110명이 초크로 사망했다. 2007년에 미 19세 이하 162명이 음식물 관련 기도 내 이물초크로 사망했다. 그 중 60명이 음식물 기도 내 이물로 사망했다. 그 중 73%는 3세 이하였다. 법에 의해서  초크될 수 있는  장난감은 팔 수  없다.  직경이 1.75인 치보다 더 작은  장난감은 3세  이하  영유아들에게  법에 의해서 제공할 수 없다.  기도 내 이물이  생길 수 있다는  주의사항을 글로 써야한다. 쉽게 초크될 수 있  음식물과 비 음식 식물 것을 여유아들에게 주지 않는다.

소스: Pediatric Annals  November

Choking accident prevention (prevention of choking accidents) 초크 사고 예방(질식 사고 예방)

  • A state in which a foreign body enters the airway and blocks part or all of the airway tube and thus does not allow ventilation is called a suffocation accident or a foreign body accident in the airway.
  • Infants and toddlers can eat food with their front teeth because the airways are small and the front teeth begin to develop around 6 months of age, and the molars develop around 18 months of age.
  • And the defense cough that can be done when food aspiration occurs in the airways is weak.

Age at which choke can easily occur as a foreign object in prayer

The age at which choke can easily occur as a foreign body in the airway The reason why choke accidents are common among infants and toddlers Food-related airways Foreign body Non-food-related airways Foreign body Died from the foreign body in the airways Prevention of foreign body choke in the airways
Non-food-related chalk is most common among infants, and food-related chalk is most common at 2 years of age.  Infants’ airways are small, and the front teeth begin to develop around 6 months of age, and molars are born around 18 months of age, so food can be eaten with the front teeth. Weak defensive cough when aspiration occurs in the airways. Mucus and secretions in the airways may form around the foreign body in the airways, which can cause foreign body obstruction in the airways more easily. Infants of 4-6 months of age begin to eat solid foods, but they cannot bite the food well and pass it over. Until the age of 4, infants and toddlers do not take good care of food and can easily choke while running, walking, and talking while eating food. Round candy, whole grape roe, meatballs, hot dogs, peanuts, seeds, raw carrots, raw vegetables, apples, popcorn, gum, etc. can be more easily choked with foods. It can be choked more easily with latex balloons, coins, small toys, small balls, air stones, round toys, toy parts, buttons, batteries, etc. It is difficult to know the exact incidence rate. There may be more chokes that have not been treated by a doctor. In 2001, 17,532 people under the age of 14 were treated in the emergency room for choke-related problems. 110 people died from choke In 2007, 162 people under the age of 19 died from foreign chokes in food-related airways. Sixty of them died from foreign bodies in the prayers of food. Of them, 73% were 3 years old or younger. Toys that can be choked by law cannot be sold. Toys smaller than 1.75 inches in diameter cannot be provided to infants under the age of 3 by law. A cautionary note that foreign objects that may occur in the prayer should be written in writing. Food and non-food plants that can be easily choked should not be given to surplus sons

Source: Pediatric Annals November

  • Mucus and secretions in the airways can form around the foreign body in the airways, which can make it easier to cause a foreign body blockage in the airways.
  • The age at which choke can easily occur as a foreign body in the airway Prayer of infants and young children Foreign body choke prevention Non-food-related chalk is most common among infants, and food-related chalk is most common in 2 years of age. Infants’ prayers are small, and the front teeth begin to develop around 6 months of age, and molars are born around 18 months of age, so food can be eaten with the front teeth.
  • Weak defensive cough when aspiration occurs in the airways. Mucus and secretions in the airways may form around the foreign body in the airways,
  • which can cause foreign body obstruction in the airways more easily. Infants of 4-6 months of age begin to eat solid foods, but they cannot bite the food well and pass it over.
  • Until the age of 4, infants and toddlers do not take good care of food and can easily choke while running, walking, and talking while eating food.
  • Round candy, whole grape roe, meatballs, hot dogs, peanuts, seeds, raw carrots, raw vegetables, apples, popcorn, gum, and other foods can be choked more easily.
  • It can be choked more easily with latex balloons, coins, small toys, small balls, air stones, round toys, toy parts, buttons, batteries, etc.
  • It is difficult to know the exact incidence rate.
  • There may be more chokes that have not been treated by a doctor. In 2001, 17,532 people under the age of 14 were treated in the emergency room for choke-related problems. 110 people died from choking. In 2007, 162 people under the age of 19 died from foreign chokes in food-related airways.
  • Sixty of them died from foreign bodies in the prayers of food. Of them, 73% were 3 years old or younger. Toys that can be choked by law cannot be sold.
  • Toys smaller than 1.75 inches in diameter cannot be provided to infants under the age of 3 by law.
  • A cautionary note that foreign objects that may occur in the prayer should be written in writing. Food and non-food plants that can be easily choked should not be given to surplus sons. Source: Pediatric Annals November

출처 및 참조문헌

  • www.drleepediatrics.com제7권 소아청소년 감염병
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제8권 소아청소년 호흡기 질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제9권 소아청소년 소화기 질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제10권. 소아청소년 신장 비뇨 생식기 질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제11권. 소아청소년 심장 혈관계 질환
  •  www.drleepediatrics.com제12권. 소아청소년 신경 정신 질환, 행동 수면 문제
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제13권. 소아청소년 혈액, 림프, 종양 질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제14권. 소아청소년 내분비, 유전, 염색체, 대사, 희귀병
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제15권. 소아청소년 알레르기, 자가 면역질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제16권. 소아청소년 정형외과 질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제17권. 소아청소년 피부 질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제18권. 소아청소년 이비인후(귀 코 인두 후두) 질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com제19권. 소아청소년  안과 (눈)질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com 제 20권 소아청소년 이 (치아)질환
  • www.drleepediatrics.com 제21권 소아청소년 가정 학교 간호
  • Red book 29th-31st edition 2021
  • Nelson Text Book of Pediatrics 19th- 21st Edition
  • The Johns Hopkins Hospital, The Harriet Lane Handbook, 22nd edition
  • Childhood Emergencies in the Office, Hospital and Community, American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Emergency Medical Service for Children, By Ross Lab. May 1989. p.10
  • Emergency care, Harvey Grant and Robert Murray
  • Emergency Care Transportation of Sick and Injured American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
  • Emergency Pediatrics A Guide to Ambulatory Care, Roger M. Barkin, Peter Rosen
  • Immediate care of the acutely ill and injured, Hugh E. Stephenson, Jr
  • The Critically Ill Child, Diagnosis and Management, Edited by Clement A. Smith
  • Emergency Medical Services for Children: The Role of the Primary Care Provider, America Academy of Pediatrics
  • Quick Reference To Pediatric Emergencies, Delmer J. Pascoe, M.D., Moses Grossman, M.D. with 26 contributors
  • Manual of Emergency Care
  • 응급환자관리 정담미디어
  • 소아가정간호백과부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다이상원
  • Neonatal Resuscitation American heart Association
  • Neonatology Jeffrey J.Pomerance, C. Joan Richardson
  • Pediatric Resuscitation Pediatric Clinics of North America, Stephen M. Schexnayder, M.D.
  • Pediatric Critical Care, Pediatric Clinics of North America, James P. Orlowski, M.D.
  • Preparation for Birth. Beverly Savage and Dianna Smith
  • Infectious disease of children, Saul Krugman, Samuel L Katz, Ann A. Gershon, Catherine Wilfert
  • The Harriet Lane Handbook 19th Edition
  • 소아과학 대한교과서
  • 1권 소아청소년 응급의료 참조문헌과 출처
  • 2권 소아청소년 질병․안전사고 예방 참조문헌과 출처
  • Other

Copyright ⓒ 2015 John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP

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“The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances. “Parental education is the best medicine.”